
Euler na blogosfera

"Geralmente um grande cientista fica imortalizado por uma contribuição central na sua carreira: a Gravitação de Newton, a Lei de Gauss, a Hipótese de Riemann, a Relatividade de Einstein. Mas, se um matemático referir no abstracto o “Teorema de Euler”, ninguém poderá sequer saber de que ramo da Matemática está ele a falar, tal a abrangência do seu legado científico." (Jorge Buescu, De Rerum Natura.)

"Leonhard Euler: 300th anniversary
Written three centuries after the birth of a famous 18th century string theorist
As you can see, Euler was quite an impressive mathematically-inclined string theorist who was ahead of his time. He counts as the most prolific mathematician of all time and a guy who wasn't stopped by blindness. I wonder whether back in the 18th century, aggressive crackpots were attacking Euler for not being sufficiently scientific just like they do today."
(Lubos Motl, The Reference Frame.)

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